Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So it begins

Well, here is the start of what I think could be an interesting little experiment. I'll lay out a quick foundation of what I want this blog to become. Occasionally I will have some interesting events that have happened to me (I do a lot of fire fighting and rock rescue, cliff jumping etc.,and generally lead an interesting life), but i also think its stupid to just 'journal' online and hop the masses will actually care enough to want to read it.

However, the main point of this is throughout my life, my view of the world has gradually shift (not from 'democratic' and 'republican' both of these are so wrong it is laughable) from one 'extreme' of idealogical belief to another, not necessarily that far from the beginning, but enough that my friends find it surprising. Anyway, so i will either have different points of stuff i truly believe, and reasons for it, or just entertaining stories and links to cool vids/stories/ games etc.

I totally encourage comments, I'll probably just get a lot of flame mail, but if anyone actually resonates with what i'm going to talk about, I'd definitely want to hear.

Anyway, on to a QUICK summary of things I will eventually get into detail about. Let me also state up front, I am not a bleeding heart liberal, I love guns, I think we should kill people much faster in jail, I am also for military action against countries, especially those not environmentally friendly. It would be dream if one day our world was unified under a collective banner, all supporting environmental causes.
Basically, our current world is in such a DISASTROUS situation that unless we quickly change things, the end of our current society is guarantee. I am talking about things like over population, a highly dysgenic trend our society has taken on, a total apathy towards just about everything. Particularly, our environment, something we totally depend on so much is routinely neglected all in the pursuit of a rather laughable idea of ‘money’.

I also hate the liberal/hippy idea that technology and genetic engineering is bad, (actually both sides hate the genetic engineering…) unfortunately, we must dump this archaic belief, and fully embrace a solid science that could help us so much.

Well, I think that is enough for an intro, if you are down for hearing about genetic engineering, why stupid people are the bane of the earth and should probably be exterminated, why environmentalism (well a form of it) must be embraced wholeheartedly, why I believe larger governments and higher taxes are a good thing, and in general some rather ‘extremist’ points of view, stick around, it should be interesting.

If you are easily offended, and can’t think outside of your own small world view, just save us both time and don’t bother flaming me, but if you have some good points, I’d be happy to discuss. Anyway, until next time!

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