Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of july, Scared!?

Happy 4th guys. I have a lot of things to talk about... but ahh I don't know what. I'll start with today at the 4th of july festival, it was fairly packed, but just a lot of old people and babies. Some my age, but not that many. I asked some guy running for DA what exactly he did
'prosecute people'
'ok well i got a hard question for you. Why do we keep people alive in jail for life? Wouldn't it be better for society if we just killed them?"
You could tell he was taken aback by it
'we do seek the death penalty in some cases' what a politician answer...
'Well, i mean it would save a lot of resources if we just killed them you know?"
he paused...'i know where you are coming from, the supreme court has made it harder to seek the death penalty.'''

Well that was that.

Anyway, today we shot off some fireworks (highly illegal!) but why is it that on America's birthday we are scared of the police and scared of shooting off fireworks. I felt like we were in some 3rd world country, worried our neighbors would be turning us in any second.

My god, what is our problem that we are so scared of cops? I totally blame the police force mind you, not the people for being scared. They are more concerned with giving speeding tickets. Seriously, how often do you see a cop and think 'fewww... i sure feel safe' its more likely 'man, i sure hope he isnt coming for me.' I understand in the past police were highly respected, and given there are still a lot of good cops, but what has happened to cause such a drastic change as this?

In the Ecotopia, police would be highly respected, you'd be glad anytime you see them, not worried if they are going to be ticketing you for riding your bike on the side walk, parking to long, speeding etc. Think about how military people are generally viewed today, you are glad to see them, you aren't paranoid. Police would be honored for their generally thankless job they do, but their public focus would be on much more heinous crimes. We would see, or at least know what they are stopping. Anyway, something to think about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Indeed, people should not be afraid of their government; government should be afraid of its people. Never should this be more true than on the Fourth of July.