Thursday, July 10, 2008

Point Source Pollution

I am posting today to bring some to your attention regarding environmental law. It has to do with pollution and 'point sources'.

Within Environmental Law, (as many parts of the government) corruption runs high. Individuals and companies are regulated by the EPA regarding pollution using the term 'point source pollution'. The EPA and gov. are rather diligent in not letting corporations get away with arguments about it not being a 'point'.

However, not all is well in paradise. There is something called 'non point source' pollution.
It is here that the obvious corruption and sell outs are going on. NPS can be things like oil dripping from your car, gas leaking from your lawn mower etc. Truthfully though, these are all far and away drops in the bucket compared to the biggest NPS polluter: agriculture.

It does not matter if you can see the stream of fertilizer out the barn down to the river, it doesn't matter if all of the farms pollution goes through a single ditch, NONE of it is considered 'point' source. What does this mean? I mean it is not regulated. Yes, you read that right, the biggest polluter of our waterways in not the coal companies (they are rather low in comparison), it is the mega-corporate farms with their surplus nitrogen and other 'desirable' chemicals dumping into our water.

Ecotopia lesson: Everyone is treated the same. You pollute you pay the price. No group gets special treatment, and you will not find a cute little loophole of of your crimes.

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