Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Federal Deficit, ahh the joys of Replubican presidents...

Here is the image I am going to talk briefly about:

It basically is a graph that was printed tues/mon about the Federal Deficit. Let me explain the trends:

Bush senior: A steady, slightly increasing federal deficit.
Clinton: A marked rise every year of the Clinton presidency. Every year for all 8 years, the deficit shrank, and we actually had a 230+ billion dollar surplus.
Bush: A constant decline from the first year. This graph only goes to 2004, in 2005, i believe it actually went 'up' but by 2008, we are at a record federal deficit.

I have a simple question, why do people still believe and praise republicans for ‘small government’ and ‘fiscal responsibility’. It is clear that has not happened. The government grew huge under Bush. In fact the deficit grew under him as well. Why is it that people will continue to praise these ideals, yet still vote republican when the fact’s are contrary to what you want?

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