Monday, July 21, 2008

Political Correctness and 'equality' - a bane of progress

As I sit here, a news report comes on saying that Doug Bruce, a local politician, 'is in trouble again.' Now, he is a fiscal conservative which is something I cannot agree with, but I can still respect that it is his opinion, and that fact he speaks what he actually believes. For this he is constantly lambasted. All the other politicos 'tow the line', tow the line, thats what everyone seems to be doing huh?

Why have we gotten to this part in society where we cannot say anything 'politically incorrect'? Why? Put some serious thought into this. If something was so foolish, wouldn't it fail on it own merit?

For example: "All white people cannot think" Such a statement is not considered for long, because it clearly lacks any logical bearing.
Now consider "All black people cannot think", suddenly we pause in fear, woah, did he just say that? Why do we not value this statement for its obvious logical failings, and discard it? Instead, we cringe painfully around that this statement is politically incorrect 'you cant be saying that stuff'.

What the truthfully does it limit, in some cases drastically, how much an issue can actually be talked about. For example, it is wrong to hate someone for their race, for their sexual orientation, all of which NOTHING can be said without being labeled as politically incorrect. But here are some cases where this PC can actually be inhibiting progress.

We have this extremely dangerous mindset perpetuated upon us that we need to accept everyone as they are, be understanding, be compassionate etc. This is simply foolish, and dangerous.
'Oh, he isn't that smart, that's just the way he is'
'Oh, he is mean, he must of had bad parents, thats just the way he ended up'
'Oh, well, he actually thinks the earth in the center of the universe, we can't do anything to him because that is his religion'' You can come up with these ad nauseum.

I don't ever want to be misunderstood, so I will state my point clearly: Viewing everyone as equal, socially, has no bearing in reality, and makes us a lot worse off.

Here are some things that realistically should be ok, but again, its 'woah, he is kind of extreme' forget the bias you have been instilled with and think about these things logically.

Hating people for the intelligence (their lack thereof): Why should we not discriminate based on intelligence? Do we not essentially do this already when it comes to jobs? Do we let imbeciles work on nuclear submarines? Do they work at particle accelerators? The answer is clearly no. Yet why do we give them the other benefits of society, when the don't deserve them. Why should someone who has no idea that the earth actually rotates around the sun (btw, it is something ridiculous that over 40% of Americans don't know this) be given the opportunity to drive a deadly missile at over 60mph every day?
'Oh, but why would someone's lack of knowledge stop them from driving?"
Hahah, i have also heard the argument 'well someone needs to clean the toilets, make your burger etc'
Why should 'rights' be given to you just because you have hit a certain age? I know I would much rather have a 17 year old who actually knows what is going on voting, driving etc, then some idiot with an IQ of sub 90 who happens to hit the magic age of 21. Is it that extreme to require intelligence tests to pass and claim some 'rights'? Oh, and please, spare me the argument that we already have to pass 'tests' to drive. Does anyone know what immigrants have to go through to become a citizen? That is something we ourselves should be forced to do. Rights are not given, they should be earned.

People that have nothing to contribute to the race, yet out-breed those that are actually useful: Ahh, a favorite of mine. I'm sure we have all seen that trailer-trash, beer swilling pig who probably beats his wife, an IQ easily under 90, yet has in tow about 6 kids, all seemingly under the age of 7. I'll state this one bluntly: He is a waste of resources, a waste of everything, and now he has compounded his societal toll by a 6 to 1 (3 to 1 if you include the likely useless wife).
All these kids will learn the value of nascar, how to 'treat' women, that school is for losers, that the earth is only a couple thousand of years old... I could continue this little insulting diatribe on them, but the sad reality is that in about 16-20 years they will then further compound their problem even further.

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