Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home: The Earth

Ok guys, time for a discussion about the environment.

First, let me start with a very important point, technology is important, I truly believe a good form of ecology is a seamless integration with technology. It really has to be. As quaint and homely as some environmentalists might think it would be to live in tiny little villages growing our corn, it is simply unrealistic. Even if we did get to this state, what would we do? Stay there in stasis for generations? Give up on science? What about any country that does not go the way of 'village-izing', won't they be at a large advantage over these countries?

During my travels around Colorado I have seen two very inspiring sights as we drove past them: a solar farm, and even more majestic, mighty wind mills. I had never seen them in real life before except the cap of a wind mill at a Washington D.C. museum (which was HUGE). I was filled with a sense of pride that as humans we were (slowly) climbing out of the dark age of the dark fuel. ((On a side note, I do not have faith that we are actually moving fast enough, but that is for another time))

Despite mass media claims to the contary, there is tons of wind power available. Look on google or wikipedia, here is another link to check it:
' Worldwide, it's been demonstrated the there is enough wind power to power the entire earth's population'-

In America alone, the 4 windiest states, funded, could produce enough power to power the entire nation. It is so laughable in its pitiful nature that everyone is like 'yay go wind!' until woah, the windmill is going on your beach. Shut up, seriously. You have multi million dollar homes, and are complaining? If we are going to survive this, we are ALL going to have to make some SACRIFICES.

A lot of people don't realize there is something called Eminent Domain, the government or state can come in, buy your land, and put roads there. I am unsure of if the government can do this with renewable energies, regardless, I support the government doing this. I mean off shore, or in desolate land is preferable, but if it is going 'in your backyard' just deal with it. They will produce renewable, clean energy for their lifetime. How is drilling for oil going to save us from anything?

A lot of people decry environmentalists for 'not defending America's energy independence'. I also do not support drilling in our country as a way to 'gain energy independence'. It is kind of like having a back up bank account, is there any way we gain financial independence by withdrawing our money to pay bills? No, you can gain independence by investing. It is exactly the same with renewable energies. Instead of wasting millions on digging oil wells, put in solar and wind mills.

By the way, installing these has an added benefit on having high-end jobs created. There will be engineers, technicians, etc. needed to maintain our renewable system. Is there any problem with more high tech jobs created instead of more people working at mcdonalds?

Hey, for all the militant environmentalists out there, here is another benefit of putting in vast renewable energy systems: when the governments that do not go environmental run out of oil, they will be at a severe disadvantage. We have a continuing, and never ending energy supply while they relied on the aptly named 'fossil' fuels.

So in conclusion, renewable energies are a source of high techonology, give us energy security, and our better for our planet.

(Everybody wins, except the rich people and thier ocean view!)

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