Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sigg, BPA , and typical corporate behavior

Sigg and BPA.
Sigg and Bpa.
So, it comes out that Sigg and their water battles had BPA in them all along. After the huge BPA scare 2-3 years ago, and everyone left nalgene, it is any wonder that as they flocked to Sigg they remained quiet about their own BPA, even going to far as to lie about their bottles were safe from BPA?

It is insanely messed up that a corporation can tell all these 'half lies' and essentially not get punished for what it is going. That gets into the vast legalese of our system that because they did 'nothing' wrong the only thing that will punish them is the market. What a joke. Slap them with a multi-million fine, and watch other corporations tow a very tight line after that.

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