Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin offers money to kill wolves

Palin is offering 150$ per wolf killed (bring in the legs for proof!) is this the VP anyone really wants?

In case you do not know, Alaska has a very cruel aerial 'hunting' program where hunters are flown in low flying planes, chasing down wolves. They follow the wolves for very long times, often till exhaustion, shoot, killing, or maiming them in the process.

It doesn't take a large intelligence to know that wovles are critical to an ecosystem, but you just may have to be told. So many hunters WRONGLY assume dead wovles= more prey.

Well sorry to break it to you elmer, but wolves are actually critical to mainting prey populations. Without wolves (which by the nature only kill the slowest, weakest animals, thereby leaving the better one) prey populations breed so fast, they often destory the plant ecosystem, and kill themselves.

A famous example is an island by new york (the niagra river in fact) that is isolated from the main land, the last predator was removed from there. Within years, the deer population swelled so large that all the food was gone, and all the deer starved, the population hovering right at the brink of extinction (far lower then the predator-level population)

Anyway, enough ecology. Palin is basicly offering money (all libertains agaisnt government spending/waste should take note!) to support the ill-founded hunting lobby. Not only is it hugely immoral to shoot dogs from the plane ((what a cowardly act)) to pay people to do this is atrocious. Consider careful if you like the ecosystem, if you like your dog, or if you like your government wheter palin is a good choice; if she is this stupid just in her own state, what if she got the whole nation?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The bounty was inspired by a "precipitous decline in the Southern Alaska Peninsula Caribou Herd. The herd has declined from an estimated 4,100 animals to 600 in six years, in large part because wolves prey heavily on newborn calves."

Check it out here.