Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Birth Rights

Today, I am taking issue with the often-assumed 'right' to have kids. I'll go into detail for any of the issues if requested, but here is a quick summary as to why we should have very limited rights when it comes to having kids.

1: Over population.
Ahh, this one is most likely the bane of modern society, yet no one ever talks about it. It will doom us, we simply lack the backbone to talk about this. C'est la vie eh? Too many people are having too many kids, the Earth and its ecosystems simply cannot handle it. I'm of the opinion we already past our carrying capacity (with a high lag time). Look at animals/plants. Amphibians are down to 2% TWO PERCENT of their populations only years ago. This is not natural, humans are the cause. When joe has 10 kids, and all ten of them have 10 more, he just raised his problem 100 times, and he was probably worthless anyway.

2. Mental 'Illness'
Why on Earth should someone who is 'mentally ill' be able to have children? Let me state up front that I believe first that a large percentage of these cases are fakes anyway. But sifting that useless rabble to the side, we are left with the people who have brains wired differently, unbalanced chemicals etc. This next line will be considered cold,crash, 'racist' (most people have no idea when they use this word) :
Why do we even tolerate these people, and esp. give them the 'right' to have kids? If you gun someone down, and are 'insane' Fine. *BOOM* -dead, 'next criminal will you please take the stand?'

What kind of defense is being 'insane'? It should not be one, and if you are convicted of it, you should just be eliminated, much to society's benefit. For Earth's sake, do not let them have more kids!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Death Race" criminals should provide entertainment if nothing else

I saw the previews for Death Race, and I have not seen the movie yet, but this post will be based on its assumptions the movie makes.

The movie starts with criminals being given a chance to redeem themselves by participating in a race, a race that people apparently kill each other at.

This begs the question, why do we only use criminals for nothing, except using tax money? They are given food, air conditioning, exercise all for nothing. Normal people work for these things, why should criminals be spared?

So, if you are opposed to 'manual labor' for criminals, first ask yourself why, then secondly, ask yourself why don't we get something useful out of them? Namely: entertainment.

Consider the merits if we did have a 'death race' in effect today. Criminals would be killing each other, which has obvious benefits. Secondly, it would be one of the highest rated shows on tv. Imagine nascar, now imagine it with guns, fast cars, explosions, etc. I hate nascar, but with guns and explosions, it would suddenly be a lot sicker. Plus we have the nice human element of redemption. These wayward souls are just trying to redeem themselves, if you are Christian, isn't that what jesus would want you to do?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The kind of 'change' McCain can believe in

Well, the post today is going to focus on McCain, and his 'flip-flopping' (yes i hate that term, but an appropriate irony)

First, here are the links if you want to actually check my facts:

Anyway, McCain used to be opposed to off-shore drilling. He used to be environmental. He voted to stop off shore drilling. He said it was best to leave it in the state's hands. This was all back in the 90's.


Corruption of course rears it head. Flash forward to election year. The oil companies have drastically increased their funding to a sympathetic cause.

Long story short, McCain has switched his priority from what he (probably) believed to now what the oil companies want him to believe.